Tips on How to Prepare for a Power Outage - from the American Red Cross
3/4/2014 (Permalink)
How Do I Prepare for a Power Outage?
To help preserve your food, keep the following supplies in your home:
One or more coolers—Inexpensive
Styrofoam coolers work well.
Ice—Surrounding your food with ice in a
cooler or in the refrigerator will keep food
colder for a longer period of time during a
prolonged power outage.
A digital quick-response thermometer—
With these thermometers you can quickly
check the internal temperatures of food to
ensure they are cold enough to use safely.
Put together an emergency
preparedness kit with these supplies
in case of a prolonged or widespread
power outage:
• Water—one gallon per person, per day (3-
day supply for evacuation, 2-week supply for
home) • Food—non-perishable, easy-toprepare
items (3-day supply for evacuation,
2-week supply for home) • Flashlight
(NOTE: Do not use candles during a power
outage due to the extreme risk of fire.) •
Battery-powered or hand-crank radio (NOAA
Weather Radio, if possible) • Extra batteries
• First aid kit • Medications (7-day supply)
and medical items • Multi-purpose tool •
Sanitation and personal hygiene items •
Copies of personal documents (medication
list and pertinent medical information,
deed/lease to home, birth certificates,
insurance policies) • Cell phone with
chargers • Family and emergency contact
information • Extra cash
If someone in your home is dependent on
electric-powered, life-sustaining
equipment, remember to include backup
power in your evacuation plan.
Keep a non-cordless telephone in your
home. It is likely to work even when the
power is out.
Keep your car’s gas tank full.